FROG Class
The Frog Class is a young three-year-old classroom for children that are either potty trained or working on potty training. Children in this class are working on exhibiting independence, strong listening skills, self-care, and self-control.
The teacher in this classroom will work closely with the teacher in the Duck Class. This class will incorporate many activities with lots of movement and interaction to keep this age group intrigued and learning. The Frog Class will focus on the social person that is emerging by weaving social skills into all the play and learning experiences.
This classroom offers hands-on experiences that are influenced by the interest of the children. Each day is structured to give the child many opportunities to learn with art projects, cooking, science experiments, music, literature, mathematics, and physical play.
Daily circle time offers children the opportunity to sing, share, learn and explore. Nurturing the child’s inherent curiosity is encouraged by enabling the children to explore, discover, and learn though touch, movement, and observation. Children begin to refine their prewriting skills through multi-sensory, hands-on learning. The children begin to investigate the basic elements of pre-math through pouring, sorting, ordering, classifying, counting, block building, and measuring.