Butterfly class
The Butterfly Class is a warm and inviting classroom for our youngest children, starting at 18 months old. Children struggling with separation anxiety or their first experience with Preschool, this is the class and the teachers that can make that transition a wonderful experience.
This classroom is specially designed for young learners, allowing them the freedom to make choices and to explore activities located in all areas of the room. The teachers look for every opportunity to foster independence in each child while allowing for movement and exploration in the prepared classroom along with helping them to learn how to do as many things as they can by themselves.
Structured activities such as; painting, cooking, dancing, story time, and circle time are filtered throughout their day. A wide range of vocabulary is being taught through the singing of songs, learning of fingerplays, and the reading of books aloud to the children. Many opportunities to physically explore the classroom and their world is available with special teachers available to guide them through their day.
Our teachers understand the many challenges that these young learners face every day; separation anxiety, potty training, wiping their nose, washing their hands independently, gross motor manipulations, fine motor manipulations, eating lunch and snacks independently, learning vocabulary so they can communicate, learning social behaviors with other children in a classroom, adjusting to schedules and routines, adjusting to napping schedules, learning listening skill and how to respond, and sharing with others. As the children are developing in each of these areas, they are developing confidence and independence in who they are becoming as a person.